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Recorder: Rob Chadwick
Historical Bird Notes:
2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004
Current Bird Notes for 2024/25 |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December 2024 |
December [2023] |
August 2024 BIRD NOTES
HIGHLIGHTS: Cattle Egret, Great White Egret, Red-crested Pochard, Marsh Harrier, Hobby, Golden Plover and Sandwich Tern.
Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 18th unless dated otherwise. 24 Little Grebe, 63 Great Crested Grebe, 43 Cormorant 28th, 1 Cattle Egret 29th and 30th, 2 Little Egret 30th, 2 Great White Egret 29th, 6 Grey Heron, 40 Mute Swan 15th, 100 Greylag Goose 28th, 540 Canada Goose 31st, 3 Barnacle Goose reported on eighteen occasions, 4 Wigeon 29th, 56 Gadwall, 24 Teal 30th, 160 Mallard, 2 Shoveler 14th, 1 Red-crested Pochard 17th, 19th, 28th and 29th, 76 Pochard 30th, 210 Tufted Duck, 1 Common Scoter 1st and 14th, 1 Water Rail 11th, 19th, and 26th, 26 Moorhen, 520 Coot 30th, 3 Kingfisher 30th.
Raptor sightings included 6 Red Kite 30th, 1 Marsh Harrier 28th, 3 Sparrowhawk 8th, 12 Buzzards 30th, 2 Osprey 23rd, 5 Kestrel 13th, 2 Hobby 18th, 23rd, 24th and 29th, 1 Peregrine 6th, 18th and 26th.
Eleven species of waders through this month with 2 Oystercatcher 1st and 2nd, 2 Ringed Plover 25th, 1 Golden Plover 29th, 30 Lapwing 29th, 1 Sanderling 9th, 2 Snipe 1st, 5 Black-tailed Godwit 1st, 1 Whimbrel 23rd, 1 Greenshank 6th and 15th, 1 Green Sandpiper 7th, 6 Common Sandpiper 13th.
Maximum Gull numbers were 300 Black-headed Gull 29th, 2 Common Gull 2nd, 7th and 16th, 2600 Lesser Black-backed Gull 29th, 6 Yellow-legged Gull 7th, 2 Caspian Gull 14th, 1 Great Black-backed Gull reported most days this month. Also seen were 3 Sandwich Tern 17th, 4 Arctic Tern 18th.
Other species noted were 8 Swift 4th and 7th, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker 8th, 13th and 18th, 1 Skylark 2nd and 4th, 15 Sand Martin 5th, 500 Swallow 16th, 46 House Martin 25th, 1 Tree Pipit 6th and 15th, 2 Yellow Wagtail 13th and18th, 5 Grey Wagtail 31st, 100 Pied Wagtail 17th, 3 Redstart 8th, 1 Wheater 1st, 12 Mistle Thrush 10th, 4 Sedge Warbler 2nd and 24th, 3 Reed Warbler 18th, 2 Lesser Whitethroat 17th, 1 Garden Warbler 1st, 5th, 6th and 9th, 5 Blackcap 6th and 13th, 4 Chiffchaff 2nd, 3 Willow Warbler 12th and 13th, 3 Spotted Flycatcher 3rd, 3 Willow Tit 13th, 18th and 25th, 7 Jay 30th, 9 Raven 6th, 60 Goldfinch 30th, 120 Linnet 9th, 4 Reed Bunting 5th.
The total 106 species noted compares to 110 in 2023, 110 in 2022, 95 in 2021, 108 in 2020, 104 in 2019.
July 2024 BIRD NOTES
HIGHLIGHTS: Black-necked Grebe, Scaup, Honey Buzzard, Osprey, Knot, Black-tailed Godwit, Grasshopper Warbler.
Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 21st unless dated otherwise. 8 Little Grebe 28th, 67 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Black-necked Grebe 2nd, 31 Cormorant 13th, 2 Little Egret 11th, 1 Great White Egret 17th, 4 Grey Heron 31st, 26 Mute Swan 27th, 90 Greylag Goose 10th, 450 Canada Goose 10th, 3 Barnacle Goose reported on six occasions, 56 Gadwall 6th, 3 Teal 17th and 22nd, 120 Mallard, 3 Shoveler 15th, 19 Pochard 31st, 179 Tufted Duck, 1 Scaup 17th, 3 Common Scoter 17th, 2 Goosander 23rd, 14 Moorhen 16th, 179 Coot, 1 Kingfisher reported on seven occasions this month.
Raptor sightings included 1 Honey Buzzard 15th and 27th (last reported September 2011), 4 Red Kite 28th, 2 Sparrowhawk 30th, 8 Buzzards 28th and 30th, 1 Osprey 8th, 4 Kestrel 31st, 1 Hobby 7th, 2 Peregrine 21st and 30th.
Twelve species of waders through this month with 14 Oystercatcher 13th and 19th, 20 Lapwing 22nd, 2 Knot 11th, 1 Sanderling 23rd, 1 Dunlin 22nd, 4 Black-tailed Godwit 8th, 2 Whimbrel 22nd, 6 Curlew 2nd, 6 Redshank 16th, 7 Common Sandpiper 22nd, 1 Turnstone 25th.
Maximum Gull numbers were 1 Mediterranean Gull 11th,300 Black-headed Gull 30th, 5 Common Gull 30th, 1500 Lesser Black-backed Gull 19th, 1 Herring Gull 14th and 22nd, 2 Yellow-legged Gull reported on six occasions this month, 1 Caspian Gull also reported on Eleven dates this month, 1 Great Black-backed Gull 7th, 19th and 22nd, Also seen were 2 Common Tern 6th, 9th, 24th and 30th, 3 Arctic Tern 14th.
Other species noted were 1 Tawny Owl 30th, 20 Swift 26th, 4 Great Spotted Woodpecker 28th, 3 Skylark 17th and 18th, 10 Sand Martin 27th, 50 Swallow 29th, 20 House Martin 26th and 27th, 1 Yellow Wagtail 30th , 3 Grey Wagtail 14th, 80 Pied Wagtail 25th, 2 Redstart 28th, 1 Whinchat 27th, 1 Wheatear 12th, 12 Mistle Thrush 24th, 1 Grasshopper Warbler 20th, 3 Sedge Warbler 5th, 5 Reed Warbler 21st, 1 Lesser Whitethroat 18th, 23rd and 28th, 3 Garden Warbler 4th, 5th, 17th and 19th, 4 Blackcap 10th, 10 Chiffchaff 10th, 2 Willow Warbler reported on six occasions, 6 Spotted Flycatcher 25th, 20 Long-tailed Tit 3rd, 3 Willow Tit 26th, 5 Jay 27th, 30 Carrion Crow 10th, 5 Raven 27th, 6 Greenfinch 24th, 1 Siskin 17th, 35 Linnet 22nd, 4 Bullfinch 31st, 7 Reed Bunting 19th.
The total 109 species noted compares to 110 in 2023, 110 in 2022, 95 in 2021, 108 in 2020, 104 in 2019.
June 2024 BIRD NOTES
HIGHLIGHTS: Pochard and Shoveler successfully bred this season, Common Scoter, Hobby, Kittiwake, Sandwich Tern, Little Tern, Black Tern, Spotted Flycatcher and Pied Flycatcher.
Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 9th unless dated otherwise. 10 Little Grebe 30th, 50 Great Crested Grebe 30th, 20 Cormorant 26th, 1 Little Egret 19th, 4 Grey Heron 3rd, 23 Mute Swan 19th, 2 Pink-footed Goose 3rd and 6th, 290 Greylag Goose 24th, 1088 Canada Goose 24th, 22 Barnacle Goose 28th, 1 Wigeon 21st, 61 Gadwall 28th, 4 Teal 18th and 27th, 66 Mallard, 4 Shoveler 14th (female with 3 young, first ever breeding record) 8 Pochard 27th, 106 Tufted Duck 30th, 2 Common Scoter 20th, 9 Moorhen 30th, 195 Coot 24th 1 Kingfisher 16th, 17th and 25th.
Raptor sightings included 2 Red Kite reported on 8 occasions this month, 2 Sparrowhawk 19th, 5 Buzzards 28th and 30th, 2 Kestrel 20th, 28th and 30th, 1 Hobby 7th, 13th and 24th, 1 Peregrine 7th and 15th.
Six species of waders through this month with 14 Oystercatcher 3rd, 15 Lapwing 26th, 2 Curlew 4th and 7th, 4 Redshank 14th, 5 Common Sandpiper 29th.
Maximum Gull numbers were 100 Black-headed Gull 25th, 18 Lesser Black-backed Gull 4th, 2 Herring Gull 25th, 1 Kittiwake 28th. Also seen were 1 Sandwich Tern 24th, 2 Common Tern 21st, 2 Little Tern 4th, 1 Black Tern 19th.
Other species noted were 1 Tawny Owl 8th and 9th, 19 Swift 30th, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 5th, 4 Skylark 29th, 2 Sand Martin 9th, 15 Swallow 19th, 14 House Martin 5th, 4 Grey Wagtail 17th, 10 Pied Wagtail 4th, 7th and 15th, 3 Redstart 5th, 3 Mistle Thrush 3rd, 6 Sedge Warbler 6th, 18th and 19th, 4 Reed Warbler 9th, 17th, 20th and 22nd, 2 Lesser Whitethroat 30th, 1 Whitethroat 15th and 30th, 3 Garden Warbler 7th, 20th, 25th and 30th, 4 Blackcap 24th, 14 Chiffchaff 7th, 2 Willow Warbler 6th, 1 Spotted Flycatcher 1st and 5th, 1 Pied Flycatcher 1st, 22 Long-tailed Tit 14th, 6 Willow Tit 6th, 5 Jay 18th, 5 Raven 15th, 100 Starling 29th, 1 Tree Sparrow 5th and 9th, 4 Greenfinch 30th, 1 Siskin 17th, 5 Linnet 7th, 2 Bullfinch 6th and 9th, 3 Reed Bunting 3rd, 9th, 19th, 20th and 22nd.
The total 96 species noted compares to 102 in 2023, 95 in 2022, 99 in 2021, 101 in 2020, 94 in 2019.
HIGHLIGHTS: Red-throated Diver, Hobby, Ruff, Spotted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher, and Yellow Wagtail.
Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 12th unless dated otherwise. 1 Red-throated Diver stayed overnight 4th to 5th this is the first seen hear since 2 were reported in October 2018, 4 Little Grebe 4th and 8th, 48 Great Crested Grebe, 20 Cormorant 8th, 27th and 30th, 8 Little Egret 7th, 4 Grey Heron 6th and 12th, 9 Mute Swan 15th and 31st, 66 Greylag Goose 31s, 139 Canada Goose, 3 Barnacle Goose 18th and 23rd, 3 Shelduck 24th, 2 Mandarin 4th, 19 Gadwall, 63 Mallard, 2 Shoveler 1st and 2nd, 1 Red-crested Pochard reported on 13 dates, 4 Pochard 9th and 11th, 47 Tufted Duck, 3 Goosander 17th, 6 Moorhen 7th, 53 Coot.
Raptor sightings included 3 Red Kite 4th, 13th and 27th, 4 Sparrowhawk 11th, 10 Buzzards 11th, 3 Kestrel 6th and 27th, 2 Hobby 11th, 1 Peregrine 31st.
Eleven species of waders through this month with 10 Oystercatcher 7th and 18th, 1 Ringed Plover 10th, 3 Lapwing 6th, 3 Dunlin 4th and 23rd, 1 Ruff 11th, 3 Whimbrel 4th, 2 Curlew 10th, 3 Redshank 2nd and 18th, 3 Common Sandpiper 4th and 6th, 3 Turnstone 24th.
Maximum Gull numbers were 2 Little Gull 14th, Black-headed Gull present in numbers all month, 1 Common Gull 17th, 25 Lesser Black-backed Gull 27th, 1 Great Black-backed Gull 2nd, 1 Kittiwake 4th.
2 Common Tern 10th and 26th, 13 Arctic Tern 14th, 11 Black Tern 11th,
Along with the other species were 30 Swift 29th, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 18th and 28th, 2 Skylark reported on 5 occasions, 300 Sand Martin 4th, 100 Swallow 4th, 100 House Martin 24th, 1 Yellow Wagtail 1st, 2 Grey Wagtail 5th, 7th and 24th, 7 Pied Wagtail 8th, 6 Redstart 18th, 5 Mistle Thrush 1st, 14 Sedge Warbler 9th, 4 Reed Warbler 4th, 12th, 18th and 21st, 2 Lesser Whitethroat 6th, 2 Whitethroat 9th, 18 Garden Warbler 9th, Blackcap present all month, Chiffchaff present all month, 5 Willow Warbler 9th, 3 Spotted Flycatcher 28th, 2 Pied Flycatcher 28th, 10 Willow Tit 29th, 7 Treecreeper 12th, 4 Jay 18th, 8 Raven 13th and 17th, 2 Tree Sparrow 2nd, Siskin reported on 25th, 3 Linnet 29th, 3 Lesser Redpoll 2nd, 4 Bullfinch 9th, 5 Reed Bunting 21st,
The total 105 species noted compares to 115 in 2023, 113 in 2022, 111 in 2021, 87 in 2020, 108 in 2019.
April 2024 BIRD NOTES
HIGHLIGHTS: Slavonian Grebe, Red-Breasted Merganser, Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-tailed Godwit, Marsh Harrier, Yellow Wagtail and Pied Flycatcher.
Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 6th unless dated otherwise. 1 Great Northern Diver last reported on 22nd, 5 Little Grebe 6th, 20th and 23rd, 60 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Slavonian Grebe 8th and 18th, 19 Cormorant 2nd, 1 Little Egret 9th and 29th, 4 Grey Heron 6th and 7th, 6 Mute Swan 11th and 18th, 38 Greylag Goose, 179 Canada Goose, 35 Barnacle Goose 1st, 2 Shelduck 22nd, 3 Mandarin 23rd, 2 Wigeon 2nd, 15 Gadwall 20th, 4 Teal 18th, 77 Mallard, 2 Shoveler reported on 5 occasions this month, 1 Red-crested Pochard reported on 6 dates, 6 Pochard 9th, 67 Tufted Duck, 2 Common Scoter 26th, 10 Goldeneye 4th and 6th, 1 Red-breasted Merganser 17th, 2 Goosander 10th, 1 Water Rail 1st and 6th, 9 Moorhen 1st, 60 Coot, 1 Kingfisher 11th.
Raptor sightings included 3 Red Kite 5th and 11th, 1 Marsh Harrier 23rd, 4 Sparrowhawk 2nd, 7th, 26th and 30th, 12 Buzzards 6th, 1 Osprey 2nd, 5th, 18th and 24th, 2 Kestrel on 5 occasions this month, 1 Hobby 28th, 2 Peregrine 17th and 19th.
Eleven species of waders through this month with 15 Oystercatcher 6th, 1 Lapwing 27th, 5 Dunlin 14th, 1 Snipe 4th and 8th, 9 Black-tailed Godwit 19th, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit 24th and 26th, 3 Whimbrel 22nd, 12 Curlew 2nd, 16 Redshank 23rd, 3 Common Sandpiper 15th, 19th and 29th.
Maximum Gull numbers were 1 Mediterranean Gull reported on 7 occasions this month, 2 Little Gull 6th, 65 Black-headed Gull 11th, 80 Common Gull 11th, 112 Lesser Black-backed Gull 1st, 4 Herring Gull 25th, 1 Yellow-legged Gull 6th, 2 Great Black-backed Gull 6th and 10th, 3 Kittiwake 22nd.
2 Sandwich Tern 11th and 19th, 2 Common Tern 15th, 17 Arctic Tern 22nd, 2 Black Tern 30th.
Along with the other species were 2 Red-legged Partridge 7th, 3 Tawny Owl 11th, 5 Swift 29th, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 10th, 2 Skylark 10th, 11th and 23rd, 500 Sand Martin 19th, 500 Swallow 28th, 30 House Martin 28th, 23 Meadow Pipit 2nd, 2 Yellow Wagtail 8th, 26th and 29th, 3 Grey Wagtail 2nd, 122 Robin 29th (perimeter count), 6 Redstart 29th, 3 Wheatear 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th, 103 Blackbird 29th, 31 Song Thrush 29th, 1 Grasshopper Warbler 20th, 12 Sedge Warbler 30th, 3 Reed Warbler 27th and 29th, 2 Lesser Whitethroat 23rd, 2 Whitethroat 27th, 11 Garden Warbler 29th, 65 Blackcap 29th, 6 Chiffchaff 5th, 17 Willow Warbler 29th, 1 Pied Flycatcher 12th, 14th, 26th and 29th, 4 Willow Tit 3rd, 5th, 26th and 29th, 126 Blue Tit 29th, 7 Jay 29th, 5 Raven 30th, 2 Tree Sparrow 29th, 1 Brambling 8th, 23rd, 26th and 27th, 16 Siskin 3rd, 12 Linnet 29th, 4 Lesser Redpoll 27th, 13 Bullfinch 29th, 6 Reed Bunting 20th.
The total 123 species noted compares to 119 in 2023, 125 in 2022, 122 in 2021, 99 in 2020, 118 in 2019.
March 2024 BIRD NOTES
HIGHLIGHTS: Great Northern Diver, Common Scoter, Smew, Black-tailed Godwit, Mediterranean Gull, Kittiwake and Hawfinch.
Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 9th unless dated otherwise. 1 Great Northern Diver present all month, 10 Little Grebe, 55 Great Crested Grebe 9th and 15th, 27 Cormorant 8th, 1 Little Egret 11th, 12th and 22nd, 4 Grey Heron, 2 Mute Swan 28th and 29th, 5 Whooper Swan 9th, 10th and 11th, 28 Greylag Goose 17th, 84 Canada Goose, 37 Barnacle Goose 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th, 1 Egyptian Goose 15th, 2 Shelduck 13th, 2 Mandarin 8th, 12th and 13th, 16 Wigeon 15th, 17 Gadwall 15th, 4 Teal reported on 6 dates this month, 102 Mallard, 2 Pintail 24th, 6 Shoveler 31st, 1 Red-crested Pochard reported on 9 dates, 176 Pochard 15th, 79 Tufted Duck, 1 Common Scoter 16th, 25 Goldeneye 6th, 1 Smew 7th, 4 Goosander 3rd, 2 Water Rail 7th, 10 Moorhen, 185 Coot, 1 Kingfisher 11th, 14th, 15th and 18th.
Raptor sightings included 3 Red Kite 4th, 13th and 18th, 4 Sparrowhawk 15th and 16th, 44 Buzzards 16th, 1 Osprey 26th, 2 Peregrine 26th.
Eleven species of waders through this month with 15 Oystercatcher 15th, 3 Little Ringed Plover 26th, 11 Golden Plover 1st, 1 Lapwing 8th and 24th, 1 Dunlin 12th, 17th, 21st and 27th, 1 Jack Snipe 15th, 1 Snipe on 7 dates this month, 1 Woodcock 8th and 18th, 10 Black-tailed Godwit 27th, 29 Curlew 4th, 8 Redshank 27th.
Maximum Gull numbers were 1 Mediterranean Gull 4th, 13th and 25th, 3 Little Gull 31st, 2000 Black-headed Gull 13th, 2650 Common Gull 5th, 504 Lesser Black-backed Gull 5th, 2 Herring Gull 1st and 30th, 3 Caspian Gull 5th, 1 Great Black-backed Gull reported on 8 occasions this month, 2 Kittiwake 24th.
Along with the other species were 1 Barn Owl 13th and 26th, 4 Tawny Owl 8th, 1 Green Woodpecker 8th, 4 Great Spotted Woodpecker 15th, 8 Skylark 4th, 24 Sand Martin 21st, 3 Swallow 31st, 21 Meadow Pipit 4th, 4 Grey Wagtail 31st, 1 Wheatear 16th, 144 Robin 31st, 172 Fieldfare 18th, 155 Redwing 1st, 18 Blackcap 31st, 185 Chiffchaff 31st, 2 Willow Warbler 30th, 6 Willow Tit 4th, 5 Jay 28th, 4 Raven 18th, 150 Starling 13th, 2 Tree Sparrow 29th, 28 Siskin 4th, 6 Linnet 31st, 7 Bullfinch 31st, 1 Hawfinch 31st, 1 Yellowhammer 6th, 8 Reed Bunting 3rd.
The total 110 species noted compares to 102 in 2023, 106 in 2022, 102 in 2021, 95 in 2020, 100 in 2019.
This months total is a record for March with 2016 being the next largest total of 108 since the records started back in 1993.
February 2024 BIRD NOTES
HIGHLIGHTS: Great Northern Diver, Common Scoter, Cattle Egret, Red-crested Pochard, Mediterranean Gull, Willow Tit, Tree Sparrow.
Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 11th, unless dated otherwise. 1 Great Northern Diver present all month, 18 Little Grebe 1st, 62 Great Crested Grebe 29th, 28 Cormorant 25th, 1 Cattle Egret reported on 9 occasions within the month, 1 Little Egret 19th, 20th and 26th, 4 Grey Heron 20th and 22nd, 20 Greylag Goose 11th, 200 Canada Goose 26th, 37 Barnacle Goose on 6 occasions this month, 3 Shelduck 20th, 1 Mandarin 1st, 12 Wigeon 1st, 16 Gadwall 24th, 19 Teal, 110 Mallard, 2 Pintail 16th, 1 Shoveler 28th, 1 Red-crested Pochard reported on 13 dates, 552 Pochard 1st, 86 Tufted Duck, 1 Common Scoter 28th, 22 Goldeneye, 3 Goosander 1st and 2nd, 1 Water Rail 1st and 24th, 6 Moorhen, 436 Coot, 1 Kingfisher 4th and 17th.
Raptor sightings included 3 Red Kite 4th, 1 Marsh Harrier 16th, 2 Sparrowhawk 25th, 6 Buzzards 2, 22nd and 26th, 1 Kestrel reported on 7 dates this month, 1 Peregrine 11th, 18th and 21st.
Six species of waders through this month with 13 Oystercatcher 19th, 39 Lapwing 1st, 4th and 18th, 2 Snipe 7th, 1 Woodcock 4th, 5th, 12th and 20th, 26 Curlew 24th, 2 Redshank 18th.
Maximum Gull numbers were 1 Mediterranean Gull 27th, 2500 Black-headed Gull 23rd, 2000 Common Gull 7th, 505 Lesser Black-backed Gull 7th, 2 Herring Gull 7th and 27th, 1 Yellow-legged Gull 7th and 27th, 2 Caspian Gull 7th, 1 Great Black-backed Gull 16 dates this month.
Along with the other species were 1 Barn Owl 7th, 12th, 23rd and 29th, 3 Tawny Owl 20th, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker 11th and 26th, 14 Skylark 10th, 20 Meadow Pipit 24th, 2 Grey Wagtail on 5 occasions, 1 Stonechat 17th, 60 Song Thrush 24th, 100 Redwing 2nd, 1 Chiffchaff 1st, 4th, 21st and 29th, 1 Marsh Tit 10th, 6 Willow Tit 24th, 144 Blue Tit 24th, 700 Jackdaw 29th, 43 Rook 6th, 4 Raven 2nd, 4th and 20th, 170 Starling 1st, 4 Tree Sparrow 8th, 5 Greenfinch 11th, 20 Siskin 21st, 1 Linnet 2nd, 1 Lesser Redpoll 29th, 6 Bullfinch 11th, 1 Yellowhammer 25th and 27th, 15 Reed Bunting 4th.
The total 98 species noted compares to 93 in 2023, 92 in 2022, 90 in 2021, 93 in 2020, 92 in 2019.
This is a new total for the month of February the next highest was 96 in 2002
January 2024 BIRD NOTES
HIGHLIGHTS: Great Northern Diver, Whooper Swan, Red-crested Pochard, Woodcock, Caspian Gull, Chiffchaff, Lesser Redpoll.
Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 14th, unless dated otherwise. 1 Great Northern Diver present all month, 23 Little Grebe, 69 Great Crested Grebe 10th, 25 Cormorant 19th, 1 Little Egret 16th and 24th, 3 Grey Heron, 2 Mute Swan on 19 dates this month, 10 Whooper Swan 10th, 125 Pink-footed Goose 4th, 240 Greylag Goose 21st, 360 Canada Goose 16th, 40 Barnacle Goose 16th, 4 Shelduck 28th, 1 Mandarin 13th, 14th and 30th, 71 Wigeon 19th, 25 Gadwall 20th, 29 Teal, 211 Mallard, 3 Pintail 19th and 21st, 5 Shoveler 18th, 1 Red-crested Pochard reported on 16 dates, 461 Pochard 10th, 124 Tufted Duck, 25 Goldeneye, 7 Goosander 5th, 1 Water Rail 3rd and 6th, 8 Moorhen, 771 Coot, 1 Kingfisher 3rd, 4th and 30th.
Raptor sightings included 3 Red Kite 4th and 9th, 5 Sparrowhawk 21st, 7 Buzzards 12th and 13th, 2 Kestrel 11th, 22nd and 27th, 1 Peregrine 4th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 26th.
Seven species of waders through this month with 3 Oystercatcher 31st, 110 Lapwing 21st, 1 Dunlin 7th, 2 Snipe 17th, 2 Woodcock 7th and 24th, 4 Curlew 16th, 17th and 18th, 2 Redshank 19th.
Maximum Gull numbers were 1200 Black-headed Gull 20th, 2200 Common Gull 25th, 450 Lesser Black-backed Gull 2nd, 3 Herring Gull 22nd and 24th, 1 Yellow-legged Gull 2nd, 11th and 20th, 1 Caspian Gull on 5 dates, 7 Great Black-backed Gull 30th.
Along with the other species were 1 Barn Owl 12th, 14th, 21st, 27th and 30th, 6 Tawny Owl 7th, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker on 9 dates this month, 20 Meadow Pipit 17th, 1 Chiffchaff 3rd, 2 Grey Wagtail 12th, 13th and 27th, 1 Stonechat 16th, 100 Fieldfare 27th, 60 Redwing 16th, 1 Marsh Tit report on 10 dates this month, 4 Willow Tit 16th, 600 Jackdaw 5th, 80 Rook 20th, 5 Raven 11th, 230 Starling 22nd, 3 Tree Sparrow 8th, 1 Brambling 19th, 25 Goldfinch 12th, 65 Siskin 2nd, 2 Linnet 6th, 2 Lesser Redpoll 3rd, 4th, 10th and 27th, 7 Bullfinch 10th, 8 Reed Bunting 6th.
The total 98 species noted compares to 98 in 2023, 97 in 2022, 86 in 2021, 94 in 2020, 91 in 2019.
December 2023 BIRD NOTES
HIGHLIGHTS: Great Northern Diver, Red-crested Pochard, Egyptian Goose (site record), Woodcock, Caspian Gull, Waxwing, Marsh Tit, Willow Tit.
Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 17th, unless dated otherwise. 1 Great Northern Diver present from 28th till month end this is the 18th year ‘our’ adult has over wintered here at Carsington, 24 Little Grebe, 53 Great Crested Grebe 15th, 28 Cormorant, 1 Little Egret 1st, 1 Grey Heron 14th and 25th, 9 Mute Swan 8th and 10th, 9 Whooper Swan 8th, 150 Pink-footed Goose 25th, 89 Greylag Goose 16th, 386 Canada Goose, 35 Barnacle Goose 16th, 17th,18th and 31st, 7 Egyptian Goose 26th, 1 Mandarin 10th and 26th, 72 Wigeon, 138 Gadwall, 51 Teal, 232 Mallard, 1 Pintail 2nd, 1 Shoveler 3rd, 4 Red-crested Pochard 6th, 8th, 17th and 22nd, 468 Pochard, 180 Tufted Duck, 21 Goldeneye, 1 Goosander 12th and 29th, 1 Water Rail 2nd, 14th and 25th, 8 Moorhen, 1092 Coot, 1 Kingfisher 5th, 12th, 20th and 28th.
Raptor sightings included 7 Red Kite 30th, 4 Sparrowhawk 16th, 8 Buzzards 28th, 2 Kestrel 8th and 11th, 2 Peregrine 16th.
With the water levels very close to 100% it is no surprise that only four species of wader were recorded this month with 75 Lapwing 17th, 2 Snipe 6th, 3 Woodcock 2nd, 2 Redshank 5th, 18th, 26th and 29th, With water levels close to 100% full
Maximum Gull numbers were 1400 Black-headed Gull 10th, 3250 Common Gull 10th (county record) 168 Lesser Black-backed Gull 16th, 2 Herring Gull 8th, 1 Yellow-legged Gull 30th, 1 Caspian Gull on 5 dates this month, 1 Great Black-backed Gull on 18 dates this month.
Along with the other species were 6 Tawny Owl 16th, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker on 7 dates this month, 2 Grey Wagtail 6th and 8th, 1 Waxwing 17th, 101 Blackbird 29th, 250 Fieldfare 16th, 200 Redwing 17th and 18th, 38 Long-tailed Tit 29th, 1 Marsh Tit 5th, 8th, 13th and 29th, 5 Willow Tit 29th, 400 Jackdaw 24th, 70 Rook 30th, 12 Raven 25th, 500 Starling 13th, 5 Tree Sparrow 5th, 38 Chaffinch 29th, 1 Brambling 11th, 13 Greenfinch 14th, 51 Goldfinch 29th, 245 Siskin 29th, 2 Linnet 16th, 3 Lesser Redpoll 14th, 17 Bullfinch 29th, 5 Reed Bunting 15th.
The total 93 species noted compares to 99 in 2022, 97 in 2021, 94 in 2020, 93 in 2019, 87 in 2018.