The Carsington Bird Club


Objects of the Club

  1. To study the wild birds of Carsington Reservoir, Derbyshire and with the permission of Severn Trent, the land within it’s boundary.
  1. To use the information gained to encourage the conservation, preservation and diversity of wild birds by making the results of study and observation available to Severn Trent Water Ltd (to enhance their site Management strategies) and recognised organisations involved in bird conservation and protection.
  2. To assist, support, advise and liaise with Severn Trent site management, when possible or invited to do so, regarding habitat development and/or conservation.
  3. To promote, develop and share knowledge of bird-life and habitat.


  1. Any person who is in sympathy with the Objects of the Club and who wishes to support the work of the Club shall be eligible to become a member of the Club.
  2. Members shall obey the laws governing the protection of wild birds and their habitat contained within The Wildlife and Countryside Acts (and any subsequent amendments) and The Countryside Right of Way Acts.
  3. Members shall not divulge to any collector of eggs or skins any information that would be against the Objects of the Club and detrimental to wild birds.
  4. The club reserves the right to expel any member who, in it’s opinion, behaves in any way prejudicial to the interests of the Club. Any member given such notice of expulsion shall have a right of appeal to a properly elected governing committee.
  5. A person shall cease to be a member of the Club if the membership fees for any period of time are not paid and after due reminder, remain unpaid.
  6. The Club may by resolution elect any person an honorary member of the Club.

Income & Property

The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards the furtherance of its Objects: provided that in the event that the Club is dissolved then any surplus assets shall be passed to a suitable organisation that has Objects similar to the Objects of the Club.

General Meetings

  1. There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of the Club to be held before the thirty first day of March in every year at such time and place as determined by the governing committee. The business transacted at the AGM shall be to receive a report from the governing committee, to adopt the accounts for the previous financial year, confirm the election or re-election of Committee members, notification of Officers and conduct any other business as the governing committee may decide.
  2. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be convened by resolution of the governing committee.
  3. Regular Indoor club meetings of the members of the Club will be held during September to March and Field meetings during the rest of the year. Non-members may also be invited to attend these meetings.


  1. The Club shall be managed by a Committee of not more than twelve members and include the office of Chairman/Person; Secretary; Membership Secretary; Treasurer; Recorder; Field (Trip) Meetings Officer; Indoor Meetings Officer; Monthly Newsletter Editor; and Annual Report Editor.
  2. Decision making will require a properly convened meeting with at least four committee members present to form a quorum.
  3. Committee members are entitled to one vote, even if any individual is acting in more than one capacity.
  4. The Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and all other Offices shall be elected by the Committee with confirmation from the membership at the Club’s AGM.
  5. The Committee may co-opt additional members between AGM’s.


Minutes shall be kept of all Committee meetings, the AGM and any other properly convened meeting where the Membership is asked to vote on any resolution correctly presented.

Annual Report

       An annual Bird Report detailing the Club’s work, observations and sightings etc. will be compiled and sent to every member without charge.


  1. The Club shall maintain accounting records, prepare annual accounts and cause them to be audited and prepare an annual report for inclusion in the year’s Bird Report. A copy of the Accounts shall be available to Club members attending the AGM and a copy shall be available to any member, on request.
  2. The Club shall maintain appropriate Bank and/or Building Society accounts, with all withdrawals requiring two signatures.


  1. Membership subscriptions become due on the 1st January each year. New members joining after the first day of September shall be given membership up to the end of the following year.
  2. Membership fees will be reviewed on a regular basis by the Committee and any proposal for change must be approved, by majority, at the Club’s AGM.


Alterations to the Rules/Constitution                

     The Constitution and Rules may only be altered, by majority vote, at the Club’s AGM.           

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