No2 / May 2007
Have you renewed your membership? — As of mid-May, we had 87 single, 64 family and three junior members. This means a total membership of 154, and that includes 12 who were new members, so certainly we are down on the high of around 200 not so long ago. If you have simply forgotten or not got round to renewing your membership yet, please do so as soon as possible. Only paid-up members will receive the newsletter after this issue. If you know anybody else who would like to join also please encourage them to do so – and reap the benefits of what must be one of the best bargains around!
Wind Farm on our doorstep? – Shortly after news of the proposed siting of a wind farm, with four turbines, 100 yards high on Carsington Pasture I was contacted by a pressure group that planned to oppose it. I offered our experience and knowledge in assisting their submissions to the area council. Plans show how clearly visible the farm would be from the reservoir, but fail to recognise the likely environmental impact – particularly to birds. The company’s survey talks only of minimal impact, some disturbance to nesting skylarks and great crested newts, but no consideration of other breeding birds, wintering numbers, migration or the reservoir population.
In response I sent the following letter to the local authority: “As Chairman of the Carsington Bird Club I write with extreme concern about the application to site four wind turbines on Carsington Pasture. I must admit that available evidence suggests that appropriately positioned wind farms do not pose a significant hazard, though evidence from other countries like Spain and Norway confirms that poorly sited wind farms can cause severe problems for birds, through disturbance, habitat loss/damage or collision with turbines.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has consequently objected to 76 proposals between 2000-2004 and raised concerns about a further 129. The RSPB insists all wind farm proposals are subjected to rigorous environmental assessment before development is permitted and that the effects of any approved developments are monitored before and after construction.
The area suggested for these turbines will be in the flight path of birds regularly using Carsington Water for breeding and wintering, and those on migration. Our bird club has regularly done census work for breeding and wintering populations to show how significant the area is in local and national terms. This year 50,000+ starlings have roosted at Kirk Ireton, the majority of which have been seen crossing over the proposed area twice daily. One could not imagine the devastation a wind farm could cause to such a declining British species. Also flocks of geese use this flight path plus thousands of gulls each winter. The site is, in fact, right in the middle of a regular migratory route for birds.
Secondly the impact it could have on breeding birds in the immediate area is not quite so clear and, as the RSPB would demand, a scientific study of the area would be needed. This could be undertaken over the next twelve months if started right away with the breeding season upon us or better still over two years to get in a more valid set of results. I am sure members of our club could do such a study for you with your assistance. If you proceeded to accept and pass this application without such an environmental assessment then I would only describe such a course of action as environmental folly.
If, however, the application includes an environmental impact assessment already made by the company concerned I would like to see this to examine its reliability and validity. I hope we have the chance to talk to you in more depth before this decision is taken.”
The company and local authority were somewhat taken aback by the strength of feelings and reactions of the local people, so the time limit for submissions was put back until early June. We await the outcome!
It’s farewell and adieu to Matthew Capper, who in his relatively short time as project officer of the RSPB’s Aren’t Birds Brilliant initiative, did much – often in tandem with the Bird Club – to promote the merits of Carsington Water as a birding site. He often went above and beyond the call of duty, and we wish him well in his new job, based in Yorkshire, which sees him tackle the logistics of ABB activity across the North of England.
… and finally, during the summer we will be sending the Annual Report – our 15th since the reservoir was established in the early 1990s – out to all current club members.
Peter Gibbon
Carsington Water is becoming a popular venue for Great Northern Divers. Not only does this relatively rare species turn up, but they stick around – and once again we’ve had long-staying individuals. Up to three were seen late winter, two regularly since, and one right up to mid-May. A Black-necked Grebe also showed in the late winter, when arguably a bigger surprise was the presence of Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Stonechat.
It’s four years since Bewick’s Swans were present, so 24 on the water nearStonesIslandwas a great sight in early March. Not to be outdone, 33 Whooper Swans were seen later in the month, by which time the exodus by waterfowl to their breeding ground was reflected by dramatically lower maximum duck numbers. Meanwhile, a Glaucous Gull, which had been evident the month before along with its Mediterranean cousin, was present again in March. Immature gulls have been staying longer, and in good numbers, which is bad news for breeding birds as they will scavenge anything edible.
The possibility of terns nesting are minimised by gull numbers, but a pair of Common Terns were seen around the rafts off the Wildlife Centre in May, while Black, Arctic and Sandwich Terns have also been passing through.
Both Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits turned up in fair numbers in March and April, and other good wader sightings included up to 22 Snipe, 51 Curlew, and a Woodcock. By April, seven pairs of Oystercatcher had set up their breeding territories – one per island – and other likely breeding waders include Redshank and Little Ringed Plover. Turnstone, Common Sandpiper and Whimbrel were also showing in April, with the latter also producing a record of four on 22 May.
The avalanche of spring arrivals is always exciting, but it was a bit constrained this year by a period of poor weather in late March. Sand Martins were seen as early as 16 March, but no more arrived until almost two weeks later, when Swallows were also noted for the first time.
Chiffchaffs were here by the first half of the month, but there were no Willow Warblers until April, when Lesser Whitethoat, Sedge Warbler, Garden Warbler and Whitethroat were finally logged late in the month. Yellow and White Wagtails were more sparse than usual and it was also the second half of April when the first House Martin, Swift, Wheatear and Redstart were logged. Spotted Flycatchers decided on their usual leisurely return toBritain, with our first record on 15 May – and a singleton at that!
Raptors blew hot and cold, with Hobby a highlight on 7and 15 May, while Merlin showed near Hall Wood the previous month, when Sparrowhawks, Peregrine and Buzzard also featured. The Sparrowhawks and Peregrines were also seen to benefit from the assembly of fantastic roosts of up 50,000 starlings at Kirk Ireton: the raptors were occasionally seen plunging headlong into the swirling balls of starlings.
The excellent new-look CBC website, maintained by Richard Pittam, continues to attact more and more ‘hits’ from surfers of the worldwide web – the most popular area proving to be the database of online latest sightings, with around 40 per cent of the traffic. The home page, not surprisingly is the second highest with almost 38 per cent, then at just six per cent the latest photo gallery of reservoir sightings.
The total number of hits from January to mid-May was an impressive 21,142, as the CBC offering steadily rises up the chart of bird-club websites.
With the popularity of the sightings page, and feedback he’s received, Richard believes a lot of people like to have a look at what’s around before they visit the reservoir – so he urges members to log their own observations on the website as well as the record books in the hides.
The website will also be a good place to watch for details of a children’s summer art competition the club is organising. Entries of pictures/sketches in three age groups, 5-8, 9-11 and 12-15 year-olds will be accepted up to September – with winners/prizes announced in October. Keep an eye open as arrangements firm up shortly.
Sharing a car for four weeks with my non-birding wife, daughter, son-in-law and assorted luggage put paid to carrying a telescope – so expectations for this trip were not high. How wrong I was proved to be.
We started off very well on a far-too-brief two-night stopover in Singapore with a Pacific Swallow on the window sill of the hotel room, a yet to identify kingfisher type species, a Black-naped Oriole in the main shopping street and an Olive-backed Sunbird in the Botanical Gardens.
On arrival in our main target,New Zealand, there was great excitement with the first views of Australasian Harrier, Pukeko, Paradise Shelduck, Red-billed Gull, White-faced Heron, Kingfisher, Tui and Spur-winged Plover. My wife described the latter as a lapwing with yellow plastic stuck on its face! And although these soon became common sightings – ‘10 a penny round here’, according to one local – we still appreciated them.
TiritiriMatangiIsland, nearAuckland, is a treat and for anyone going a must-do, with endemic species protected from imported predators. The Takahe, like a giant moorhen on steroids, is very impressive … and fearless. Less easily seen was the Kokako, but worth waiting for. First sightings of Bellbird, Stitchbird and Saddleback were obtained on a long walk through the forested area. Some were then easily photographed on the bird feeders at the café! A pair of rare Brown Teal are resident on a pond near the jetty, and a Spotless Crake brought its young to the same pond.
Fortune really smiled when we called at Miranda that evening in search of the Wrybill – with is wader’s bill turning not down nor up, but sideways! The tide was well up and there were well over a thousand small waders, which I was astonished to find were Wrybills. When I’d calmed down I was able to identify other wader species through my bins, confirming them later with the assistance of the warden and his telescope.
Looking for Yellowhead on the mainSouth Island, a ranger advised me that they were now almost, if not completely, extinct in the area. Several days and many miles later I found out from a motel owner, as we were leaving, that her son protected a breeding population, but there was no time left to find them. The moral of this tale – talk to locals as guide books can be out-of-date very quickly in this new and changing land.
Better luck came when a comment to my son-in-law, that a very small bird might be found in the forest we were walking through, led him to ask ‘like that one over there?’ – and, yes, it was a Rifleman! I’ll make a birder out of him yet! On another long walk, or tramp as they’re called in NZ, confusion over which path to take resulted in two good sightings of Weka, well and truly out in the wilds. With the vast acreage of forests and paucity of roads and people (only around three million in a country the size of the UK), I can understand how this and other species were thought to be extinct in some areas, only to be found later breeding on happily.
Night-time walks produced unforgettable calls and the sounds of scurrying through the undergrowth, but no sightings of the elusive Kiwi. Disappointing maybe, but these wild sounds were infinitely preferable to the sight of mentally disturbed kiwis on show in a nocturnal house. We also caught the sound of a small owl species called Morepork, which gets its name from its unforgettable call – ‘more-pork’.
Our visit was timed too late for penguins in quantity but we did see individual Blue and Yellow-eyed Penguins swimming in the sea off the Otago Peninsular, and two of the Yellow-eyed variety were patiently waiting on rocks to complete their three-week moult. These were viewed from a wildlife boat trip we took where we were the only passengers: with such freedom we were able to chase Albatross and Shearwater species out at sea with staff who could confidently identify them. This was a big improvement over the expensive whale trip taken some days earlier at a different site, where the advice on identifying albatrosses from one of their wildlife ‘experts’ went something like “albatross are the large ones and the smaller ones are Mollymawks”. He was very good with sperm whales though, as they were as big as the boat!
No NZ report is complete without the cheeky parrot style Kea, first seen in a car park guarding the entrance to the toilets and specialising in car aerial and window rubber removal. The similar Kaka were very friendly; we were treated to a display by a group of 17 at Homers Tunnel on the road to Milford Sound.
Scenery, thermal areas, glaciers, volcanoes, mountains and fiords require a report all of their own but, whether you are specifically birding or just looking and experiencing on a non-birding adventure, you cannot fail to see and enjoy both landscape and birds. NZ is a very rewarding country to visit. I recorded excellent close views of 106 species and really, only regret not chasing the yellowhead and kiwi species. If you want to see the full list of my NZ sightings it is included in the report that is carried on the website.
The period since the last newsletter has seen the conclusion of our winter illustrated talks at Hognaston Village Hall, and the start of the spring/summer programme of walks and other outside events.
A change in plans led to Peter Gibbon, our Chairperson, presenting onMallorcain February rather than March. Though this attractive island is the most-visited holiday destination for British tourists, Peter’s talk aimed to convince people that it must also be one of the best places to go for your first birding trip abroad. He has been a dozen times on ‘family’ holidays since the late seventies and his venerable slides were used to show where and when to go and what might be seen. A quick show of hands confirmed how few of the audience had been to the island and that only four had done any bird watching while there. The second part of the talk included a video – ‘Gosney inMallorca’ – which underlined the breadth of birding interest on offer there.
A month later the audience was stunned by the fabulous quality of regular John Gardner’s slides … but perhaps they should have expected this would be the case as the subject of John’s talk was – wildlife photography, and has he’s proved before, he’s one of the best. He gave the budding photographer an insight into the planning, preparations and patience required to get the best shots of animals, birds and insects – and the landscapes they inhabit. We can all aspire to better wildlife shots – and this was a good start.
The first time we ventured outdoors was to the UpperDerwentValleyin search of raptors, courtesy of Matthew Capper, until recently Aren’t Birds Brilliant (ABB) project officer and formerly a ranger in this area. His ‘home’ knowledge was invaluable as we saw Goshawk – the main quarry – together with Peregrine, Kestrel, Buzzard and Sparrowhawk, plus a few other specialities like Raven, Siskin and Crossbill. Matthew was again at the helm as several club members turned up to support an ABB open day at the beginning of April, which saw a number of visitors calling in on a joint ABB/CBC stand or visiting the Wildlife Centre; a guided walk was also laid on.
The regular season of walks at Carsington began on 17 April, with a circuit from the Wildlife Centre, before just under 20 brave souls braved a 4.30am start on the annual Dawn Chorus walk, on 5 May – to be rewarded by a hot breakfast and drink on their return after logging a fairly regulation list of birds. Most recently, Millfields car park was the start point for the Warbler Walk on 22 May.
* * * Coach trip to superb reserves at Conwy and South Stack, Holyhead * * *
Places are still available for this trip, on 10 June (starts Carsington Water Visitor Centre at 7.45pm). For details/ bookings please contact Peter Oldfield by phone on 01629 540510 or by e-mail:
Other forthcoming Carsington Bird Club events, through to September, are as follows:
19 June Evening walk, with Carsington’s breeding migrants still a focus Sheepwash car park(7.30pm)
17 July Nightjar walk atClumberPark, Nottinghamshire (dusk is the time Meet main car park8pm
to see these elusive birds) (check website for changes)
21 August Evening walk at Carsington Water Meet Wildlife Centre (7.30)
18 September 1st talk of new indoor season by Mike Swales: Churnet Valley – Hognaston Village Hall (7.30) ‘Rhineland’ of Staffordshire
Meanwhile, Severn Trent Water has a busy agenda over the next few months, too, with the events listed below. For enquires regarding most of these – for which booking is often essential – people should ring 01629 540696.
2 June Introduction to fly fishing (for over 7s, charge/booking a must) Fishery Lodge (01629 540769)
3 June Birdwatching for beginners (book; bring boots, bins & notebook) Visitor Centre (10am-noon)
8-9 June Festival of the Peak 2007 (Information/tickets from PR Promotions Visitor Centre / Arena
[] … Ticket Hotline 01773 853428. Marquee
16 June Morris Dancing (marvel at the quaintest of English traditions) Visitor Centre (10am-2pm)
24 June RNLI Lifeboat Family Fun day (children & families, access for all) Visitor Centre (from11am)
30 June Motown Spectacular (access for all, for tickets call 01773 853428 Arena Marquee
or visit the website
1 July Birdwatching for beginners (see details, as 3 June, above)
2 July Fly-fishing courses – Introductory / Improvers (details as 2 June)
8 July Aren’t Birds Brilliant! partnership Open Day (volunteers will show Starts 10.30am-til4pm
birds and other wildlife; guided walks and competitions)
4 August Birdwatching for Beginners (see details above)
11 August Wateraid Raft Race (free partnership fundraiser, access for all; Visitor Centre (11am-3pm)
for more information contact Michael Ridger on 07747 118933)
18 August The Wizard of Oz (£7children under 12, £10 adults; performance Amphitheatre, Visitor Centre
is outside, so bring chair or waterproof to sit on) (opens6pm, starts7pm)
25 August Bat Safari: join Bat Conservation Group/rangers (£2 – free parking) Millfields car park (8pm)
We have enjoyed a further influx of new members this spring – with, mysteriously, Staffordshire proving a particularly rich area for recruits! The full list of those who have signed up is as follows: T Baggalley, Stoke-on- Trent; Russ Hales, Shrewsbury; Paul Hodgkinson, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent; John and Ann Menzies, Derby; Tim and Rose Morris, Forsbrook, Stoke-on-Trent; Ed Whiting, Cheddleton, Staffs; Celia Wright, Middleton