Carsington Bird Club

Website Re-designed

Welcome to the new-look Carsington Bird Club website.

Bookmark this new page in your Favourites

The website has been completely re-written, for easier maintenance of posts and pages, together with the ability to pre-post updates and set them to appear at specific dates/times.

The new site continues to provide all those familiar features you like, such as the on-line sightings board and Roger Carrington’s excellent monthly round-up of bird sightings at the reservoir. It also has the ability to allow users to catch-up on any content missed at publication time, such as newsletters, features, etc.  If you missed a post, or would just like to look at previous postings, simply click on the Archives and review them month bv month.

The website has been written to accomodate a minimum screen resolution of 1024×768 pixels, however most modern PCs and laptops exceed this value by far. Anyone using this site with an 800×600 pixel screen will still be able to use it, but may have to scroll right-left for some of the content.

All your familiar links are there, as well as some new ones. there is also a “tag” list down on the right-hand-side. This allows users to find a page or pages which have a particular word or phrase, for example click on “Osprey” to locate some content containing that word. Alternatively enter your search criteria in the Search” box at the top of the screen. The post/pages retrieved are shown,  subject to a maximum of 5, to keep load-time to a minimum.

Selecting the “Categories” link on the right allows users to focus the content on a particular subject matter, such as Newsletters or News – however the default category for the homepage resets itself each time you visit.

Wherever you find yourself on the website, you can always return to “Home” by either clicking the “Home” button at the top, or by clicking the “Carsington Bird Club” header text.

Have a look round and if you have any questions please ask – we value your feedback.

Use the Contact Us page, or simply click here.

CBC – Outdoor Events Programme for 2011/12


Tuesday September 20th 2011 – Hognaston Village Hall from 7.30pm

‘The History of Birdwatching Part 2 – 1939 onwards’ by Peter Gibbon (the ‘long-awaited’ sequel !!)
Entrance £2 members and £2.50 non-members.


Tuesday 18 October 2011 – Hognaston Village Hall from 7.30pm

Joint Carsington Bird Club/Derbyshire Ornithological Society.
Graham Appleton, Director of Communications, BTO presents “Four years of Atlas Work”.

All welcome:  £1 members, £1.50 non-members, includes refreshments.

Further details of this and all indoor meetings and Field Trips on our website or


Carsington Bird Club

July 2011

Bird of the Month for July – Swift ( Apus apus )

A medium-sized aerial bird, which is a superb flier. It evens sleeps on the wing! It is plain sooty brown, but in flight against the sky it appears black. It has long, scythe-like wings and a short, forked tail. It is a summer visitor, breeding across the UK, but most numerously in the south and east. It winters in Africa.

They have AMBER Status.

CBC – Outdoor Events Programme 

24 September 2011 – Coach Trip to Frampton Marsh and as Cruise


It is with the greatest regret that we have to inform members of the cancellation of the planned coach trip to the east coast to visit RSPB Frampton Marsh and a boat cruise on the Wash. An administrative misunderstanding meant we did not meet the cruise organisers’ deadline for a confirmation/cash deposit, and that date is (together with all dates this year) now fully booked.Sincere apologies, particularly to those who had already booked and paid (trips organiser Peter Oldfield will be returning your fees) , or had put the date in their diary with the intention of doing so.

For more events click here

May 2011 Newsletter

– click here  to view

Feature Website

Steve Mann

Steve, a local birder and photographer has a very interesting website, with lots of reports, stories and images.
Why not take a look and see…..

Click here to view Steve’s website.


Carsington Bird Club News

Osprey drop in on Carsington

Matlock Mecury

Published on Friday 13 May 2011 10:57

Nature enthusiasts have succeeded in their bid to encourage one of the country’s most magnificent birds of prey to a Derbyshire reservoir.  Volunteers installed four nesting platforms at Carsington Water back in February with the hope of tempting osprey to the area. Now their endeavours appear to have paid off after two sightings of the elusive bird in the last two weeks. And a quick-off-the-mark photographer managed to get a snap of the impressive creature feasting on a fishy snack. Gary Atkins, publicity officer at Carsington Water, said: “Another osprey flew through the other day and dropped in on Carsington, where a few people got some pictures.

For more details click here.

Carsington Bird Club News

Roosting Ospreys…

Ashbourne People

A RARE osprey has been seen spending the night at a Derbyshire beauty spot for the first time – weeks after special £1,000 nesting platforms were installed. Conservationists at Carsington Water see the bird’s decision to roost as a major boost in their plans to encourage ospreys to breed at the reservoir, near Ashbourne. Ospreys are very rare, with only about 400 birds left in the UK – most of them in Scotland. David Bennett is one of the volunteer rangers and said it was an “exciting development”. He said: “The first ospreys to be seen after the installation of the nest posts were on April 2 and 3. “But regrettably, after briefly flying around the reservoir, they continued on their journey north. “Then, on election day, a different osprey not only visited the water, but roosted overnight, before finally flying off.”

For more details click here.

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