CBC – Indoor Meetings Events Programme for 2011/12
Tuesday September 20th 2011 – Hognaston Village Hall from 7.30pm
‘The History of Birdwatching Part 2 – 1939 onwards’ by Peter Gibbon (the ‘long-awaited’ sequel !!). Entrance £2 members and £2.50 non-members.
Tuesday 18 October 2011 – Hognaston Village Hall from 7.30pm
Joint Carsington Bird Club/Derbyshire Ornithological Society. Graham Appleton, Director of Communications, BTO presents “Four years of Atlas Work”. All welcome: £1 members, £1.50 non-members, includes refreshments.
Catch up with the birds sighted in August 2011.
Click here for full details.
Bird of the Month for August – Barn Owl ( Tyto alba )
With heart shaped face, buff back and wings and pure white under parts the barn owl is a distinctive and much loved countryside bird. Widely distributed across the UK, and indeed the world, the bird has suffered declines over the past fifty years as a result of the degradation of once prey-rich habitats in the face of intensive agricultural practices.
They have AMBER Status.