Tittesworth – Summer 2009
Weather and season
APRIL: In England the month equalled the third warmest April in a series dating back to 1914. In the Londonarea temperatures reached 21ºC at times but locally 19ºC was the highest – on the 24th. The range of daytime figures for the month was 10 to 19 ºC for this area. Little rain fell during the month and winds were generally weak.
MAY: Rainfall was above normal in thenorth westofEngland. Sunshine was around the norm for the month. Overall daytime temperatures locally were no better than April, although 20ºC was reached on three occasions.
JUNE: There was a hot and sunny start to the month, 25 and 26ºC recorded in the first few days. Taken overall the month was barely warmer than April and May locally. In this area there was heavy rain on the 10th causing flash floods in Sheffield. However, rainfall was below average for the month. Mid-summer’s day was on the 24th June.