Is you mobile phone smart enough?
Did you know that the Carsington Bird Club website is compatible with most smart phones/devices – such as Android OS phones and Apple’s iPhone, iPad, etc. ?
Well yes, it has been configured to work for these devices, allowing almost all of the content to be viewed and accessed, including the ability to submit sightings whilst out in the field. To help in this, the Submit Sightings page has been laid out in a very simple way, making it easier for mobile users to input a record. What is a Smartphone anyway? Click here to find out. There is no need to configure anything on your mobile device, although if you have problems viewing the siste, or you just don’t like the new layout, then go to the bottom of the home page and switch the mobile version On, or Off, as required. All the content will appear as date-stamped blog entries and clicking “Menu” will provide access all the web pages, shown as icons, as well as being able to browse by Category and by “tagged” word entries, eg. Osprey, curlew, etc. You can also search the entire website by clicking the magnifying glass icon and entering your search word/s. The icon “Latest Sightings – Mobile” links to a page specifically designed to be displayed on a mobile phone/device, without any headers or footers. If you wish to view or bookmark this page, then here is the link:
Click “Menu” to return and click “Home” to return to the blog pages.
Click here to see a view using an Android smartphone or an Apple iPhone – image1 – image2
Click here to see a view using an Apple iPad – image1
Try it out and let me know how you get on.
Webmaster – CBC
ps – for the nerdy amongst us, a list of those user agents supported by this website:
Device Classes | User Agents |
iOS/Webkit | iphone, ipod, incognito, webmate |
Android | android, dream, cupcake, froyo |
Blackberry Storm/Torch/Bold 3 | blackberry9500, blackberry9520, blackberry9530, blackberry9550, blackberry 9800, blackberry 9780 |
Windows Phone 7 | iemobile/7.0 |
Palm Pre/Pixi | webos |
Samsung | s8000, bada |
SEO/Indexing | googlebot-mobile |