Carsington Bird Club CBC Monthly Bird Notes

April 2022 Bird Notes

April 2022 BIRD NOTES

HIGHLIGHTS: Great Northern Diver, Red-necked Grebe, Osprey, Black-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Sand Martin and Grasshopper Warbler

Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 16th unless dated otherwise. 12 Mute Swan 22nd, 30 Whooper Swan (flew West 08:30) 3rd,1 Pink-footed Goose 3rd, 7th, 10th, 25th and 30th, 45 Greylag Goose, 135 Canada Goose, 11 Barnacle Goose 10th and 11th, 6 Shelduck 25th, 2 Mandarin 30th,12 Wigeon 3rd, 27 Gadwall, 63 Mallard, 9 Teal 2nd, 3 Shoveler 10th, 66 Tufted Duck, 1 Common Scoter 27th, 8 Goldeneye 9th, 1 Goosander 23rd, 1 Great Northern Diver present all month, 13 Little Grebe, 82 Great Crested Grebe 3rd, 2 Red-necked Grebes reported most days till month end, 26 Cormorant 11th, 2 Little Egret 7th and 18th, 1 Great White Egret 10th,8 Grey Heron, 10 Moorhen, 78 Coot, 1 Kingfisher 2nd, 3rd and 11th.

Raptor sightings included 3 Red Kite 3rd and 5th, 3 Sparrowhawk 8th, 8 Buzzards 8th, 1 Osprey 12th and 13th, 2 Kestrel 13th,15th, 16th and 20th, 1 Peregrine reported 6 dates within the month.

Thirteen species of waders through this month with 13 Oystercatcher 1st, 4 Little Ringed Plover 17th, 1 Ringed Plover reported on 11 dates within the month 2 Lapwing 29th, 1 Dunlin 12th and 28th, 4 Ruff 23rd, 6 Common Snipe 2nd, 1 Black-tailed Godwit 1st, 21st and 23rd, 3 Whimbrel flying North on the 22nd, 5 Curlew 9th, 12 Redshank 16th, 3 Greenshank 27th, 2 Common Sandpiper 28th.

Maximum Gull numbers were 1 Mediterranean Gull on 9 different dates, 9 Little Gull 11th, 1000 Black-headed Gull 17th, 10 Common Gull 14th and 22nd, 80 Lesser Black-backed Gulls 17th, 30 Herring Gulls 14th, 1 Yellow-legged Gull 18th, 2 Caspian Gull 30th, 10 Great black-backed Gulls 12th and 13th, and a single Kittiwake 3rd and 26th.

Terns have started to pass through with 2 Sandwich Terns 12th, 1 Common Tern 19th and 22nd, 5 Arctic Tern 29th, 2 Black Tern 14th.

Among other species were, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker reported on 10 dates, 3 Tawny Owl 9th, 1 Swift 29th, 5 Skylark 27th, 200 Sand Martin 13th and 100 reported on  5 different dates, 50 Swallow 27th, 10 House Martins 25th and 27th, 444 Meadow Pipit 8th, 2 Yellow Wagtail 26th, 3 Grey Wagtails 8th, 9th and 29th, 15 Pied Wagtail 8th, 5 Redstart 18th and 24th with males singing at various locations around the reservoir, 3 Wheatear (2 male 1 female ) 13th, 104 Blackbird with 42 singing 29th, 37 Song Thrush with 25 singing 29th, 32 redwing 2nd, 12 Mistle Thrush 29th, 1 Grasshopper Warbler 20th, 10 Sedge Warbler 25th and 29th, 2 Reed Warbler 26th one in WLC creek and one from Hopton reedbed, 5 Lesser Whitethroat all singing 29th, 1 Whitethroat 13th, 9 Garden Warbler 29th, 85 Blackcap 29th, 90 Chiffchaff 29th, 22 Willow Warbler 29th, 4 Pied Flycatcher 29th, 4 willow tit 30th.

Perimeter count conducted on 29th.

A total 117 species for this month compared to 99 in 2020, 118 in 2019, 117 in 2018, 124 in 2017.

Carsington Bird Club CBC Monthly Bird Notes

March 2022 – Bird Notes

Recorder: Robert Chadwick:

March 2022 BIRD NOTES

 HIGHLIGHTS: Scaup, Great Northern Diver, Red-necked Grebe, Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Mediterranean Gull and Blackcap

On 20TH WeBS count 23 species were recorded which helped towards an end of month total of 107 species being noted.

Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 20th unless dated otherwise. 15 Mute Swan 11th, 14 Whooper Swan (flew West) 7th,1 Pink-footed Goose 5th, 13th, 20th, 26th and 31st, 45 Greylag Goose 5th, 222 Canada Goose, 44 Barnacle Goose 1st, 8 Shelduck 4th, 2 Shoveler 31st, 38 Wigeon 22nd, 2 Pintail 8th, 22 Gadwall, 68 Mallard, 10 Teal, 3 Mandarin 15th, 2 Pochard 10th, 1 Scaup (female) 11th and 12th, 51 Tufted Duck, 2 Common Scoter 4th and 20th,13 Goldeneye 4th, 1 Goosander, 1 Great Northern Diver present all month, 22 Little Grebe, 93 Great Crested Grebe 26th, 2 Red-necked Grebes reported most days till month end, 24 Cormorant 11th, 1 Little Egret 7th, 8th, 30th and 31st, 7 Grey Heron 29th, 1 Water Rail 11th and 18th, 14 Moorhen, 130 Coot, 1 Kingfisher 8 dates within the month including on the WeBS count.

Raptor sightings included 1 Osprey 21st, 10 Buzzards 19th, 4 Red Kite 6th, 2 Sparrowhawk on 9 dates within the month, 3 Kestrel 6th, 1 Merlin 29th, 1 Peregrine reported 6 dates within the month.

Eleven species of waders through this month with 12 Oystercatcher 12th, 2 Avocet 5th and a single 25th, 2 Little Ringed Plover on 7 dates within the month, 1 Ringed Plover 12th and 31st, 45 Lapwing 4th, 4 Dunlin 4th, 2 Woodcock 2nd, 1 Jack Snipe 21st, 15 Common Snipe 10th and 21st, 51 Curlew 7th, 8 Redshank reported on the Webs.

Maximum Gull numbers were 1 Mediterranean Gull 10th, 7000 Black-headed Gull 7th, 102 Herring Gulls 28th, 2 Yellow-legged Gull 30th, 20 Lesser Black-backed Gulls 4th, 4 Great black-backed Gulls 24th, Common Gulls present most of the month.

Among other species were, 9 Great Spotted Woodpecker 29th, 2 Tawny Owl 2nd, 3 Skylark 24th, First Sand Martin 13th with 3 on 30th, 29 Meadow Pipit 31st, 4 Grey Wagtails 22nd and 29th, 44 Pied Wagtail 31st, 41 Dunnock of which 27 were singing 29th, 132 Robin with 101 singing also on 29th, 296 Fieldfare 19th, 350 Redwing 31st, 40 Song Thrush 29th, 14 Mistle Thrush 29th, first Blackcap 22nd, 148 Chiffchaff 29th, 5 Goldcrest 9th, 15 Long-tailed Tit 2nd, 7 Willow Tit 24th with a pair seen excavating a nest hole, 3 Coal Tit 4th, 5th and 15th, 5 Treecreeper 27th and 29th, 5 Jay 29th, 103 Carrion Crow 30th, 7 Raven 5th, 750 Starling 12th, 11 Tree Sparrow 7th, 28 Chaffinch 29th, 38 Goldfinch 29th, 8 Greenfinch 29th, 15 Siskin 5th, 10 Linnet 23rd, 3 Lesser Redpoll 1st, 12th and 22nd, 15 Bullfinch 29th, 9 Reed Bunting also 29th.

A total 107 species for this month compared to 95 in 2020, 100 in 2019, 102 in 2018, 110 in 2017 and 108 in 2016.

Carsington Bird Club CBC Monthly Bird Notes

Bird Notes February 2022


HIGHLIGHTS: Great Northern Diver, Red-necked Grebe, Mediterranean Gull and Turnstone

On 26TH WeBS count 27 species were recorded which helped towards an end of month total of 93 species being noted.

Water bird maxima were from the WeBS count on 26th unless dated otherwise. 13 Mute Swan 23rd, 170 Pink-footed Goose flew Northwest 10th, 41 Greylag Goose 11th, 133 Canada Goose, 45 Barnacle Goose 9th, 2 Shelduck 3rd, 50 Wigeon, 6 Pintail 6th, 148 Gadwall 7th, 157 Mallard, 205 Teal 7th, 21 Pochard 7th, 86 Tufted Duck 7th, 16 Goldeneye 16th, 2 Goosander 3rd and 15th, 1 Great Northern Diver present all month, 31 Little Grebe 7th, 65 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Red-necked Grebes reported most days till month end, 20 Cormorant 7th and 12th, 2 Little Egret 6th, 3 Grey Heron 21st, 1 Water Rail 4th, 7th, 15th and 26th, 19 Moorhen 7th, 714 Coot 7th, 1 Kingfisher 7 dates within the month including on the WeBS count.

Raptor sightings included 10 Buzzards 7th and 26th, 5 Red Kite 3rd and 26th, 3 Sparrowhawk 8th and 22nd, 2 Kestrel 7th, 1 Merlin 4th and 6th, 1 Peregrine reported 7 dates within the month.

Seven species of waders through this month with 12 Oystercatcher 23rd,650 Lapwing 3rd, 5 Dunlin 25th and a single bird reported 16th, 52 Common Snipe 11th, 1 Turnstone 15th, 38 Curlew 27th, 5 Redshank reported on the Webs.

Maximum Gull numbers were 21 Herring Gulls 21st, 1 Yellow-legged Gull 2nd, 22nd and 24th, 300 Lesser Black-backed Gulls 21st, 2 Great black-backed Gulls 8th, 2000 Common Gulls 1st, 1 Caspian Gull 6th, 1 Kittiwake 23rd, 1 adult Mediterranean Gull in summer plumage 21st.

Among other species were 3 Woodcock 12th, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 27th, 4 Tawny Owl 12th, 12 Skylark 22nd, 30 Meadow Pipit 11th in Tail Bay below the dam wall, 4 Grey Wagtails 26th, 6 Pied Wagtail 6th, 370 Redwing 14th, 10 Song Thrush, 6 Mistle Thrush 4 Goldcrest 21st, 15 Long-tailed Tit 2nd, 5 Willow Tit 15th, 4 Coal Tit 5th, 4 Treecreeper, 3 Jay 14th, 70 Rook 1st, 8 Raven 8th, 200 Starling 23rd,10 Tree Sparrow 10th, 30 Goldfinch 5th and 8th, 5 Greenfinch 26th, 107 Siskin 5th, 3 Linnet 22nd, 5 Lesser Redpoll 9th, 5 Bullfinch 1st, 10th and 28th.

A total 93 species for this month compared to 93 in 2020, 92 in 2019, 87 in 2018 (no Birdnotes for 2021).

Carsington Bird Club CBC Monthly Bird Notes News Things To Do

Monthly Bird Notes

Why not take a look at the detailed monthly note provided by your recorders – Clive Ashton and Dave Newcombe.  Along with the many submitters of sitings, these guys collate all the sitings and publish them into monthly notes, which are then collated into ‘Annual’ notes, stored on the website.  Everything you wanted to know about birds at Carsington Reservoir, but were afraid to ask!

There is a ‘Bird Notes‘ link above in the menus, or click this link.

Try having a look once in a while – you’d be surprised how much information they contain.

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