Carsington Bird Club Educational Events Features Member Reports Things To Do


Rutland Water was the destination for our latest CBC outing on Sunday 28th April, with a healthy turnout of nine members making the journey to this impressive and extensive Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust reserve.

We had only just parked up when we were welcomed by the distant ‘yaffle’ of a Green Woodpecker, before a number of common species were seen on the feeders in front of the Visitor Centre.

Walking along the paths surrounded by trees and reedbeds to our first hide, we were soon picking out the songs of Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers, but had to re-acquaint ourselves with the songs of those typically more difficult to separate: Blackcap and Garden Warbler, and Reed and Sedge Warblers.

We were then treated to a glorious concert by that famous songster, a Nightingale, which true to form remained firmly hidden in the bushes, but was unmistakable even though its song is less often heard than most.  Later on a second one performed for us, but also escaped our detection.

From the Dunlin hide, overlooking Lagoon 4, we added several species of wildfowl to our rapidly growing list, including at least 2-3 Wigeon which hadn’t yet departed for their breeding grounds.  A solitary Little Ringed Plover and a Bar-tailed Godwit were found, along with much larger numbers of Oystercatchers, Lapwings and Redshanks.

We returned to the Visitor Centre to enjoy our packed lunches overlooking Lagoon 1 and were rewarded with good views of an Osprey making several high-level passes over the water, followed by a Red Kite being chased by a number of corvids.  Perhaps surprisingly, three Pink-footed Geese were also sighted still lingering before making their journey north for the summer.  Very large numbers of Sand Martins, well outnumbering Swallows, were hawking insects over the water and flying to and from their specially erected nest bank.

Continuing after lunch, singing Cetti’s Warbler and Lesser Whitethroats were added to the count of those heard but not seen, and a growing number of species were steadily ticked off with an impressive total of 69 recorded by the group as a whole.

Grey Heron – John Sykes


Linnet – John Sykes


Avid CBC Birders looking for Nightingale – Gary Atkins


Pink Footed Geese with Canada Goose – Gary Atkins


Mute Swan and Lapwing – Gary Atkins


Oystercatcher – John Sykes


Special thanks go to John and Fay Follett, who have visited the reserve a number of times, and were able to offer invaluable advice on the best way of making use of our time, which hides to visit and which paths to follow.

The full list accumulated on the day is as follows: Green Woodpecker, House Sparrow, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Rook, Woodpigeon, Robin, Goldfinch, Blackbird, Swallow, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Canada Goose, Black-headed Gull, Mallard, Song Thrush, Garden Warbler, Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler, Blue Tit, Wren, Coot, Lapwing, Wigeon, Bar-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher, Gt Crested Grebe, Greylag Goose, Mute Swan, Redshank, Egyptian Goose, Little Egret, Common Tern, Little Ringed Plover, Cormorant, Common Gull, Nightingale, Gadwall, Sand Martin, Tufted Duck, Buzzard, Red Kite, Teal, Cetti’s Warbler, Shelduck, Shoveler, Moorhen, Grey Heron, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Pochard, Osprey, Gt Black-backed Gull, Little Grebe, Pink-footed Goose, Ruddy Duck, Reed Warbler, Stock Dove, Magpie, Pheasant, Collared Dove, Starling, Mistle Thrush, Long-tailed Tit, Reed Bunting, Dunnock, Linnet, Lesser Whitethroat and Greenfinch

Chris Lamb

Carsington Bird Club Features Member Reports

Holiday Report: Australia / New Zealand – Gary Atkins

This 40-day holiday with my wife Meryl was almost a year in the planning (with a fair bit of help from Trailfinders, who did a good job with the plentiful detailed arrangements).   Having been to New Zealand before 15 years earlier to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, but never to Australia, we decided to combine the two while still spending more time in NZ than we had before, so it was always going to be a long one.

In retrospect, the itinerary (involving 12 flights, 19 accommodations and 3,000 miles driving in three separate hire cars) was perhaps a little over-ambitious for a couple of 60-somethings.  Next time (if there is one) we’ll feed in a few extra days

Nevertheless, that and a cancelled flight were the only slight negatives in a truly memorable journey, as each day rewarded us with either amazing scenery, jaw-dropping city-scapes, fascinating cultural tastes and, for me at least, above all exciting and varied wildlife at every turn. 

We had stopovers in Singapore on the way out and Bangkok on the way back.  Here are a few pictures that give a flavour for the brilliant time we enjoyed ……

This pair of Yellow-vented Bulbuls posed beautifully for me in the Gardens by the Bay, which was just a short walk from our centrally-located hotel in, and big enough to swallow up all the joggers, cyclists and tai-chi exponents and still leave plenty of space, peace and quiet for the surprisingly plentiful wildlife.  Meryl and I really enjoyed the city, which is forensically clean (don’t take chewing gum – you might get arrested!), but also an exciting and vibrant place with amazing buildings and creative attractions for locals and tourists alike …

… and here is one of those buildings, the amazing Marina Bay Sands hotel (pictured during one of the regular light shows at the inner harbour), which cost $8 billion to build, has over 2,500 rooms, and its extended roof platform towers 200 metres above the ground, has an infinity pool and gardens of its own, including full-sized palm trees!

This striking Black-naped Oriole, a fairly common site in Singapore’s green spaces, was one of 24 species I managed to log during a brief two-day stay in the city state.


This holiday’s plentiful new entries to my lifetime bird list began to accumulate during our week in the north island of New Zealand, when we stayed in Auckland briefly en route to Paihia in the Bay of Islands and Whitianga in the Coromandel Peninsula, but it wasn’t until we got to magical Stewart Island, located off the southern trip of south island, that the ‘lifers’ really started to arrive thick and fast.  On a late evening boat trip, we caught up with a small colony of these Fjordland Crested Penguins ….

…. plus some New Zealand Fur Seals before landing on a remote beach and tracking down a few Brown Kiwis, which seemed unaware of the spooky red torchlight that was just about good enough to enable a snatched photo or two …


Large groups of Kaka parrots were a regular sight on Stewart Island as they tore into the seemingly-endless swathes of giant flax and other vegetation with their powerful beaks.  New Zealand has a number of endemic parrots including the Kea, which enjoys mountains and snow (we’d seen them at Fox Glacier on a previous trip, but not this time around), and the endangered Kakapo, a huge flightless parrot whose population has been decimated by ground-dwelling mammals. 

Having been brought to the edge of extinction, Kakapo conservation is focused on on a few remote islands where stoats and possums have been eradicated.  I discovered that one of these – Codfish Island – is just off Stewart Island.

Although a rarity is general terms, the Saddleback with its prominent wattles can be fairly readily seen on conservation-conscious Stewart Island; I saw a few of these on another of Stewart Island’s own offshore wildlife havens, Ulva Island

Another iconic New Zealand endemic is the Tui, after which a rather pleasant beer is named!  The Tui with its rich array of unusual calls, including mimicking human voices, is seen throughout New Zealand.  It is one of the larger members of the honeyeater family and because of its trademark white throat tufts was called parson bird by early settlers.

In New Zealand I saw 83 bird species, including several lifers despite having previously visited the country.


Australia was the most daunting – and, at the same time, exciting – prospect when it came to birding ‘down under’, not least because there are over 900 species to go at, all beautifully detailed in the 1.5kg field guide I had to lug around in my rucksack (yes, I should have downloaded an app!).  There are some 60 species of Honeyeater alone, and one of my earliest spots was this New Holland Honeyeater, feeding on nectar just outside our hotel window on Kangaroo Island …

Possibly the most amazing bird in terms of behaviour was this Satin Bowerbird, with its bewildering range of calls, many unbird-like and some sounding almost human.  Bowerbirds are noted for creating elaborate courtship ‘bowers’.   Although I’m slightly cheating here, by photographing a bird in a walk-through aviary, I did see this species in the wild too – and it was, true to form, picking up debris left by humans in a car park.

After first seeing Koalas in a wildlife park, which we’d visited in frustration after initially seeing more road-kill than live animals, we then began to see them (and other indigenous wildlife including wallabies, kangaroos and echidnas) more regularly in the wild.  This mother and youngster were in the Tower Hill Wildlife Park, one of the best and most natural reserves I’ve ever visited …

Royal Spoonbills were an impressive sight, seen here with some of the Australasian White Ibises that could be found almost anywhere – including rummaging through rubbish bins in the centre of Sydney!

The almost prehistoric looking, stiff-tailed Musk Duck was completely new to me, and this male (I hesitate to say ‘handsome’!) was about to launch into a courtship display which involves erecting its tail and inflating the leathery lobe beneath its bill …

Surely the most colourful bird I saw in Australia – not an easy claim to maintain with so many species with outrageous plumage – was this Rainbow Lorikeet, which were readily seen in Sydney and Melbourne.

The prettiest bird in my wife’s eyes (and why not!) was this Splendid Fairy Wren.  I saw them most places we visited in Australia, and I did get closer views, but this was my favourite shot ..

My Australian species total eventually reached 104.


The Asian Koel is widespread across Asia and often heard rather than seen as the male is very vocal during the breeding season.  It is a large cuckoo and, typical of the family, it is parasitic, laying a single egg in the nests of birds such as crows and shrikes.  This bird, a female, is attractive enough, but possibly not as striking as the all-blue-black male with its beady red eye).

I was quite surprised to see this Chinese Pond Heron right slap bang in the middle of a well-peopled Bangkok park.  Away from water, it was probably looking for a reptilian snack …

Carsington Bird Club Educational Features Member Reports Miscellaneous News


A group of nine assembled at the Visitor Centre at 9am last Sunday (20 May) for the club’s Warbler Walk. As well as the lovely sunny weather, we also benefited from the expertise of Roger Carrington, one of the club’s most experienced recorders at Carsington Water, who led the walk and was able to pick up many of the species we saw simply from their songs and calls.

Setting off from the Visitor Centre towards Stones Island we soon encountered the scratchy song of a Whitethroat, which flew across the path on its song flight and perched obligingly at the top of a bush to give us good views.

Further on we heard the descending trill of a Willow Warbler, which again we managed to see very well as it flitted around the bushes. We then had the challenge of trying to differentiate between the song of a Garden Warbler and a Blackcap, but fortunately the bird obliged by showing itself as a Garden Warbler. We heard the same song a number of times moving around Stones Island before picking up faintly the song of a Sedge Warbler on the edge of Sailing Club Island.

It wasn’t just about warblers of course and as we were walking we did of course see and hear the songs and calls of many ‘non-warblers’ – birds such as Blackbird, Wren, Dunnock and Robin, and we had brief views of a Willow Tit.

Earlier in the morning two Turnstones had been spotted on Sailing Club Island, but had moved on by the time we had got there (shame – as three were seen there the following day!). The water itself was very calm and we saw a number of Mallard families with young chicks, as well as Gadwall, Tufted Duck and Great-Crested Grebes in pairs displaying to each other.

Moving off Stones Island, we walked along Wildlife Centre Creek where we were hoping to catch sight or sound of a Spotted Flycatcher or Lesser Whitethroat, both of which had been seen or heard in that area in the previous 24 hours … but they were not playing ball as we stared into the trees, eyes and ears primed.

Surprisingly it wasn’t until this point that we heard our first Chiffchaff, singing its name at the top of a tree by the path, and Roger strongly suspected we identified a Blackcap, though it remained heard but not seen! Finishing up at the Wildlife Centre we got good close-up views of the usual ducks, geese and gulls to be seen there, as well as a distant Little Grebe.

It was a pleasure to welcome some recently joined members of the club to our walk and we hope everyone who came along enjoyed themselves. A big thank you must go to Roger for all his advice in helping us to identify the warbler songs and calls, as well as passing on some of his tips on where to find the birds around the site.

That time of year – but definitely NOT a warbler!

The species seen during the walk (or, at least, those we could remember!) were: Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Blackbird, Canada Goose, Great Tit, Robin, Wren, Cormorant, Black-headed Gull, Coot, Magpie, Grey Heron, Jackdaw, Chaffinch, Woodpigeon, Willow Warbler, Swallow, Mute Swan, Mallard, Long-tailed Tit, Carrion Crow, Garden Warbler, Gt Crested Grebe, Gadwall, Redshank, Willow Tit, Reed Bunting, Goldfinch, Sedge Warbler (heard), Blackcap (heard), Pied Wagtail, Blue Tit, House Martin, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Greylag Goose and Little Grebe

Chris Lamb

Carsington Bird Club Educational Events Features Miscellaneous News

A Moorland Vision…..

The following press release was issued as a result of the “Moorland Vision” campaign which created a petition aimed at preserving key moorland species – notably the Hen Harrier – and to which CBC pledged its support several months ago, along with 14 other local wildlife and environmental groups.  Read the release to find out more.


Local Wildlife Groups hand petition to National Trust

A petition of nearly 5,000 signatures will be handed over to a senior official from the National Trust at 1pm on Tuesday 25th July by a coalition of local wildlife and outdoor groups at the Trust’s offices at Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire.  The Moorland Vision campaign and petition was established by Derbyshire naturalist and author, Nick Moyes, after video footage emerged last year of a camouflaged man lying in wait with a gun and a decoy model of a bird of prey on Peak District moorland owned by the National Trust. Following an investigation, the National Trust announced it would be evicting its grouse-shooting tenant from this estate, but disappointingly stated it would try to find another tenant to operate a grouse shooting business on these internationally designated moors around Kinder Scout and Bleaklow. 
The petition praises the Trust for its initial decision, but calls on it not to bring on another grouse shooting business onto these moorlands.  Moorland Vision’s petition is supported by 15 outdoor and environmental groups from around Derbyshire and the Peak District. The petition praises the Trust for its decision to act, but believes there are already enough problems on privately owned moors caused by grouse shooting, and calls for the National Trust to find a better way to manage these iconic landscapes for people and for biodiversity.
The National Trust is a major conservation organisation and normally does brilliant work in protecting and enhancing our environment.” said Mr Moyes. “But with clear evidence that moorland management for grouse shooting leads to the killing of birds of prey and almost every other predator – and especially here on its doorstep – you would think the National Trust would have decided immediately that enough is enoughThe fact that it did not immediately recognise the opportunity this provides us with to re-wild and restore these moorlands without the well-documented problems associated with grouse moor management is really disappointing. Hence our petition.”  
The Moorland Vision’s campaign collected over 1,308 signatures at numerous local group meetings around Derbyshire. 36% of those who signed also declared themselves to be members of the National Trust.  A further 3,450 signatures were also collected online.
The petition will be handed over to the Trust by Nick Moyes and by Bob Berzins of the Dark Peak Fell Runners on behalf of the Moorland Vision coalition. It will be received by Andy Beer, the National Trust’s Regional  Director for the Midlands in whose hands rests the decision whether or not to take on another shooting tenant.
Commenting on the state of the Peak District moorlands, Mr Berzins said: “I and my club members see so much harm done by mis-management on the Peak District moorlands. The worst excesses are definitely on privately-owned shooting estates, where intensive burning, track building,  predator snaring and shooting is particularly rife. But this is a one-off opportunity for the National Trust to say ‘no more’ to management purely for one hobby and to show its true conservation credentials by establishing a proper rewilding project over 8,000 hectares of iconic moorland which would be far better for biodiversity and would recreate more natural landscapes – just as the Trust is helping to do on the Eastern Moors where the Peak Park banned shooting many decades ago.”
Don’t forget, the local Hen Harrier Day is in Sheffield this year, on 5th August.
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